
Lamorinda Arts Council grants are open to Lamorinda educators, community organizations, and individual artists who either reside or work in Lamorinda. Grant requests must meet our mission “to ignite and sustain artistic expression and appreciation for all ages throughout Lamorinda.”  Keep in mind that Lamorinda Arts Council has very limited funds for grant awards each year, but we encourage local educators, artists, and art programs in need of funds up to $800 to apply.

Review the descriptions below, then click the appropriate link to apply.

Education Grants (CLICK HERE TO APPLY)
Education grants are open to K-12 public and private educators in the Lamorinda area. Typical grants range from $200 to $800 and should emphasize developing artistic expression within an educational environment.

Grants may fund student resources necessary for classrooms or schools in the areas of:

  • Performing Arts
  • Visual Arts
  • Woodshop and Sculptural Projects
  • Filmmaking
  • Writing Projects
  • Industrial Arts

Previously supported projects included a Campolindo film class project and Miramonte Writer’s Mag.

Community Project Grants (CLICK HERE TO APPLY)
Community Project grants are open for artwork on public or private property that will be accessible to the general public within the Lamorinda area and to jumpstart funding for nonprofits that address our mission. Typical grants range from $200 to $800.


  • Murals
  • Mosaics
  • Temporary Installations
  • Performances

Previously supported projects include the Art Moves Project, Joy in Motion, and an Earth Day sculpture.

Individual Artist Grants (CLICK HERE TO APPLY)
Individual Artist grants are open to artists residing within the Lamorinda area. Grants should focus on artistic growth and development. Funding should make a meaningful impact on the artist’s evolution. Typical grants may range from $100 to $400.


  • Tuition/fees for coursework or workshops
  • Help with closing a funding gap for project completion


We are honored to be generously supported by Grants from the following organizations: